Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company

When life gives you beer, you make the best damn brewery re-brand you possibly can. At Fried Design Company, we're not just about slapping a new coat of paint on things; we believe in digging deep, getting our hands dirty, and uncovering the essence of what makes craft brewery branding truly unique. And that's precisely what we did with the Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company re-brand.

We knew we couldn't just crank it up to 11 and call it a day; we had to take this brewery logo design and re-brand on a journey worthy of a rock opera. So, we put on our buckethead hats and immersed ourselves in the world of Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company. We jammed with their team, explored their punk rock roots, and discovered the hidden gems that make their beer as refreshing as a Pop-Punk-Power chord on a hot summer day back in '02.

With these newfound insights, we set out to craft a visual symphony that would make even the most die-hard fans raise their lighters in approval. We fine-tuned their beer packaging design, giving it a more polished and mature vibe, without sacrificing an ounce of its rebellious spirit. We cranked it up on their craft beer marketing by adding bold, eye-catching beer label designs that proudly showcased their Bucks County heritage. We riffed on the Pennsylvania keystone shape, using it as the foundation for versatile brewery identity design lockups that would amplify the brand's presence on merchandise, sales materials, and more.

But we didn't stop there. With the re-brand in full swing, we continued to jam with Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company, fine-tuning their tone of voice and helping them connect with a broader audience who share their love for great beer and a good time. Together, we've composed a brand strategy for breweries that not only rocks the stage but also captures the hearts of beer lovers everywhere.

So, here's to ten more years of Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company making every moment as enjoyable as humanly possible. With Fried Design Company as their beverage branding agency, we'll continue to turn it up, push boundaries, and pour our passion into creating a brand experience that hits all the right notes. Cheers to beer, rock 'n' roll, and a brewery re-brand that's music to our ears.

Let's Dive In